Monday, June 27, 2005

Cue "It's a Small World"

Down in Essaouira over the weekend I was having breakfast with all of the AIESECers at this surf joint-type place on the beach. As I was finishing up my cafe au lait, Nick poked me and said "check out the alcoholics over there." Looking over, I saw two American-looking men finishing up their second round of beer at around ten in the morning. Soon, one of the guys got up and walked by us. About five minutes later, he walked back by, stopped, turned around and said, "Hey, are you from Minnesota?" Turns out, I'd been wearing my Twins cap, and this guy was originally from Northfield and had even went to St. Olaf. I forgot his name, but he was with an American friend who was working in Rabat - the Minnesotan was actually working in Ghana. They had just driven all the way up from Ghana, across the desert to Essaouira on their way to Rabat.

Second one: This one is really fucking classic. First off, I know there's probably no way that anybody from my AP European history class with Dr. Jacobson, sophomore year of Breck is reading this. That being said, I should probably facebook message all of you. Anyways, as I've mentioned before, there's a rather interesting girl staying with us named Laura, who goes to Yale. I don't really talk to her all that much, but I knew her dad was a professor there. Turns out her name is Laura Merriman, and her dad is none other than John Merriman, the guy who not only wrote our AP Euro textbook, but was a mentor extraordinaire to the esteemed Dr. Andrew Jacobson. This is really one of those more inside jokes, but Dr. J was a really bizarre guy, and he'd talk about John Merriman, and how they played squash together, etc all the time. We'd always speculate on the mysterious Merriman, I guess we have our answer now...


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