Sunday, June 19, 2005

Parking Attendants

One of the most visible parts of the large informal sector in Morocco are parking attendants. Clad in blue coats, they work on street corners where they provide unsoliticed parking help to anybody pulling in. With an air of imperiousity they wave the parker into the spot and tell them when to stop next to the curb. For this assistance, they expect a dirham or two. They also function as a quasi-enforcer for the neighborhood. Cafes often pay them a small stipend to keep the ever-present beggars away from patrons. They'll often shoo off stray cats and keep the neighborhood's gears greased.
The best part is that despite their official attitude, they operate entirely on their own enterprise. The blue coats are often bought in the medina, and carry no real significance. They'll often pick a street corner and even go so far as to set up a small plastic chair, while keeping a steady eye on the goings-on.


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