Monday, July 11, 2005

Masculine Cultural Anthropology... Otherwise Known as a Day with the Boys

Yesterday, I got to hang out with Youssef 1, Youssef 2, Taoufik, Khalid, and Simo, all guys from Akkari who are either in one of my english classes, or are somehow involved with administration here. I've tentatively (for lack of a better name) termed us "The Boys," or if you will, "Da Boyz."
These guys are all in their late twenties and thirties, and a total blast to hang out with. We started off the day by buying a ridiculous amount of viande hache (ground "meat," not, mind you, ground "beef") from a local vendor. We paid some local guys to fry it up on their grill in the center of Akkari while we pulled up some chairs, BS'ed with some local residents, etc. Then, we ate some kefta - think small seasoned hamburger patties you eat with onions, olives, and pieces of bread.
After that, it was off to the beach, where I broke out my Xtreme Water Sportz camera. After posing for a ridiculous amount of pictures - including pseudo-Hawaiian Leis we fashioned out of kelp - we hit the water, where I tried their favorite thing, surfing without a board. Since the waves were coming in rather hard, you could kind of ride the crest of a wave all the way into the beach from rather far out, definitely a fun time. We then chilled on the beach, played some soccer, were informed we could not play soccer on the beach by mounted policemen, and engaged in other types of male bonding.

It's been nice here to establish relationships with some of the local people, will definitely be the most rewarding part of being here. Anyways, I'm late for class, so I gotta roll. Cheers.


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